Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am an emotional wreck and it's only Day 3!!!

So the day started off on a good note...
Had a working toilet today (always a good thing)
and a healthy breakfast of berries, banana and lowfat yoghurt...


Following breakfast I went to a showcase rehearsal at BDC...
We did our vocal warm up as an ensemble, then went through "I've Seen All Good People" several times, first without staging to work on our haarmonies...then with staging. There were a few people missing but it still sounded strong vocally and the guitarist came for the last 45 minutes which was helpful to clarify tempo etc. (Vocalized for 1hour, 45 minutes)

Anyway...I planned to take Yoga and pilates today (which are both great classes, but I really miss dancing!) I had 2 hours until class so I walked home which is about 20 minutes from the studio. And my ankle started aching AGAIN... Got home and had a nap...I'm so drained at the moment. I cannot wait until the Showcase is over so there are no more extra rehearsals and hopefully will have found an apt by next week too. Anyway I overslept my nap and missed both classes...of course!
I don't think I should be walking on my ankle anyway let alone doing down-dog and other random yoga positions. I have my ankle strapped, but I really just need to see a physio to find out what's wrong with it...This is week 3 of not being able to dance on it AND IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! What if I can't dance on it for another month or more???? I will be so upset... 

So I have a physio appointment booked for tomorrow then they ring to tell me that It will be more expensive than I had anticipated (as it is supposed to be a free consultation for dance students, so anything more than free is totally out of my budget at the moment). Then I started stressing about not being able to afford to go and I looked up my health insurance which is not good coverage at all! Then remembered I also have to pay for my singing lesson tomorrow, as well as see a few more apartments AND fit in class at BDC...and then I broke down....not like a car...more like an emotionally unstable, stressed out, injured dance student feeling the pressures of not having an income in a ridiculously overpriced city....(and breathe)

 In my bubble of emotional turmoil I started thinking 'if it's between fixing my ankle and doing the singing lessons to complete this challenge which should I do?' I of course think the singing lessons because I am primarily a singer, but I did come to NY to hone in on the dancing... also I do need a working ankle for walking. So the tears kept coming... I am an emotional wreck and it's only Day 3!!!

I then began researching other physical therapists, most are quite vague on what they charge (between $100-500) I have never appreciated the Australian Health care system more in my life!

Officially too hard to figure this out at the moment... better do something to distract myself...the laundry!

After doing my laundry I start thinking now is a good time to begin packing up all my things (as I need to move out next week 14th May) but i don't know where I'm moving just yet. But what do I pack? all the winter clothes? the weather here is so sporadic i don't know what I will need over the next week and a half haha...oooh that reminds me I need to organise a removalist!
So instead of packing, I just start venting...I mean Blogging and the physical therapist calls me to tell me they will see me tomorrow (I'm guessing that means they had a change of heart? or they really like the Aussie accent) either way, atleast something worked out today...even if it's the same thing that got me worked up in the first place. I love this city, I love my life in this city and I know how fortunate I am to be doing what I'm doing here... I just got a little overwhelmed today. It's days like today I really need my family and friends... I miss you all so much!

Ok I have finished venting...
Hope your day was alot less emotional than mine... And for the record, I'm not usually like that, it's just adjusting to a new lifestyle here. Gone are the days of the 3am wake-up call, the donning of the uniform, strutting through the airport and sipping on cocktails by the hotel pool...
and Hello to having everything I've dreamed of at my fingertips. I wouldn't change it for anything, not even on a day like today!

(*as a side note...I remember someone telling me that it can be scary and intimidating to be close to achieving your dreams...I used to think "yeah right, why would that be scary?" but I think I know what they meant...if you had a dream or goal that you had aimed for your entire life, there are so many reasons to be afraid...to be afraid of not making it, of failing, of achieving your goal and then what do you do? where do you go from there? I believe that if you are fortunate enough to be facing that dream, if it's within reach...GRAB IT! You may just fail, or you may succeed. Either way you will know that you did the best that you could to achieve your dreams...and that is called Living... Truly Living!)

TTFN xoxo

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