So my throat is killing at the moment BUT I am getting closure in my chords (Yay) so I think the light exercises that I did yesterday helped because I feel like I can sing (not that I am, just going over vocal technique...keeping it light) today. I could push my voice and try my audition song for tomorrow morning but i would rather rest my voice, keep up the exercises to find closure in my vocal chords.
Even speaking today I felt as though I was really speaking incorrectly, I am tired and know that I am using my voice incorrectly at the moment when I speak. These vocalizations are a good reminder for me and make me more aware of where my voice sits in my body day to day.
Low-fat yoghurt with Banana walnut granola
Broadway Dance Center:
Pilates with Linda Farell
Yoga with Amber Paul
Tuna Melt from my favourite bakery "Amy's Bread" on Ninth Ave
Pilates and Yoga were great, some positions had to be modified for my ankle...It still feels unstable, but I'm hoping to return to dancing this week...fingers crossed I don't ruin my ankle any further!
Pilates is always a challenging class as you can always make each exercise more and more intense. As for yoga, I always feel so relaxed during Savasana that I nearly fall asleep...nearly:)
So today I got a call from someone wanting to donate some men's clothes for the Holy Apostle soup kitchen (the clothing drive). I am so excited! I have to walk like 15 blocks to pick up the clothes, but I don't mind. I also got 2 bags of men's clothes from someone else in my building today...I can't wait to take them down to the Church on Friday! There's a variety of clothes from trackpants to business shirts and suits, warm jackets...useful clothing!
I also called a food pantry today and I will be working there for a couple of hours on Wednesday afternoon. I didn't even know what a food pantry was! It's like a supermarket run by volunteers and it's open to people who can't afford to buy groceries. So they need help stocking shelves, at check-out, and other areas I imagine. The food pantry is near-by so I would like to volunteer there regularly if it works out. Also put my name down to help at a soup kitchen next week (after the challenge is over) as it is really close to BDC so I can just go and help out for the 1 hour, 15minute shift in between classes...perfect!
Also got a text message from my sister Bo this evening saying how much she loved my youtube of singing at Duplex. She and my nephew watched it a couple of times and she even cried...(i'm hoping because it was good hahahaha). I didn't make the youtube public as I wanted only the people following my blog to see it, especially as it wasn't my best performance. Having my sister say I did a great job means more to me than one million strangers saying I did a great job, and it makes me so happy to have her support. I am glad I am making her proud! Love you sis xoxox
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